Why we have never recommended cryptocurrency (and won’t be anytime soon!)
Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, have seen a meteoric rise in popularity over the past few years. They almost … Continued
This Has Been a Test: Developing a Financial Plan You Can Stick With
Article reproduced by kind permission of Dimensional Fund Advisers. This article originally appeared on their site on 20 December 2022. … Continued
I’m self-employed – how do I benefit from PRSAs? A case study
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been telling anyone who would listen about the wonders of Personal Retirement Savings Accounts … Continued
What is the difference between “Early Retirement” and “Financial Independence”?
As a financial planner, I work with families from all sorts of backgrounds. However, there is one common value … Continued
Key benefits of PRSAs
Last week we discussed the recent changes in pension legalisation and how this has created opportunities for business owners and … Continued
What is the difference between a financial advisor and a financial planner?
Like many great ideas, the topic of this blog first came to mind in a pub. We were in … Continued
Put on Your Own Mask First: My Mission for 2023
by Carl Widger When you’re on an airplane, the flight attendants always remind you to put on your own … Continued
Six podcasts to start 2023 with
In June 2022, Reuters Institute Digital published a News Report saying that Irish people are more likely to listen to … Continued
Exciting changes to pensions offer new opportunities for business owners
by Paddy Andrews It’s not very often you see a headline with the words “pension” and “exciting” in the … Continued