Be Patient
We’re still deep in the pandemic, this is a once-in-a-lifetime public health emergency. It’s likely to be hanging around for … Continued
Coronavirus and The Stock Markets – What Should I Do Now?
It’s ok and totally understandable to be concerned about your investment and pension portfolios right now. Please take a few … Continued
A Day in the Life of a Financial Planner
I’m Mary, and this is what it’s like to be a financial planner at Metis Ireland. Why I chose … Continued
Why “Safe Harbours” Can Be Risky Business
We see it often: Whenever investors are spooked by turbulent times, money tends to flow out of the stock market, … Continued
Welcome Paddy Andrews
Metis Ireland is delighted to welcome Dublin Footballer and Certified Financial Planner® Paddy Andrews to its growing team. Paddy … Continued
Investors Must Be Careful to Avoid News Overload
Last month we were delighted to be asked to write another piece for The Sunday Times around news overload and … Continued
Our Contract With You
The word ‘contract’ doesn’t generally inspire enthusiasm. It usually means a lot of reading, a fair bit of frowning, a … Continued
What to ask when choosing a financial adviser
Choosing your financial adviser is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make, and hoping they have the answers isn’t enough, you need to be absolutely clear about the questions you need to ask.