A Day in the Life of a Financial Planner

I’m Mary, and this is what it’s like to be a financial planner at Metis Ireland.   Why I chose … Continued

Welcome Paddy Andrews

Metis Ireland is delighted to welcome Dublin Footballer and Certified Financial Planner® Paddy Andrews to its growing team.   Paddy … Continued

Investors Must Be Careful to Avoid News Overload

Last month we were delighted to be asked to write another piece for The Sunday Times around news overload and … Continued

Metis Ireland End of Quarter Team Building

Metis Ireland End of Quarter Team Building

River Run For River Watch…a “special” #MetisMorningRiverRun

As even the birds on the trees now know, every last Friday of the month Metis Ireland hosts the #MetisMorningRiverRun.

It’s a 5K run that starts at 7am on the button from St. Michaels Rowing Club and out along the riverbank for a lovely morning jaunt with no pressure on anyboAfter our run in September, Graham Burns, one of our regular supporters,  came to us and said that his crew in CPL had a fantastic idea to host a run to support Limerick Suicide Watch (LSW) but rather than look at a whole new event could they “piggyback” on the established  #MetisMorningRiverRun

Metis Ireland End of Quarter Team Building

Last Friday we at Metis Ireland had our, by this time well-known, End of Quarter Team Building Event.

Our day started with a photoshoot directed by lovely the Shauna from Morning Star Photography, we heard some of us are even thinking of career change?!

Metis Morning River Run – August

Last Friday in August! You must know by now what that means.

Metis Morning River Run – July

Last Friday in July! You must know by now what that means.

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Registered in Ireland. Company Registration Number: 485925.
Registered Address of Company: 88 O’Connell Street, Limerick, V94 RPC5.
Metis Ireland Financial Planning Ltd t/a Metis Ireland is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.