Tom is here to help plan the Metis Ireland strategy and grow the business while making sure we never take our eyes off the prize: our clients and their success. He chairs quarterly board meetings and works with the team on strategic development and growth opportunities. He’s also a client, so he knows how the Metis Ireland experience feels on both sides.


Outside work

Tom is a big family man, spending most of his time with his wife, kids and a growing list of grandkids. He also enjoys playing golf, watching soccer, hurling, and singing – often teaming up with his daughter to sing at church events.

What’s so great about Metis Ireland?

Tom gets to see the business close up and from a high level, too, but the thing that really stands out to him is the team. The business is nothing without energetic, enthusiastic people committed to helping clients make the best strategic decisions on how to grow their money and ensure both the retirement and legacy they aspire to.