At Metis Ireland we proudly boast some of the brightest and finest minds in the land. Yes, they’re highly qualified, but more importantly they see eye-to-eye with us on the things we care about most. All the accolades in the world don’t matter if your head and heart aren’t in the right place.

With that said, we are thrilled to announce our latest addition to the Metis Ireland team. Hailing from Raheen, Limerick, proud Irish lass and Ireland hockey player Róisín Upton is our newly appointed Metis Ireland Brand Ambassador for 2020 (try saying that ten times, fast).

When we appointed Róisín as our brand ambassador, we already knew that her dedication and resilience are reflective of our values at Metis Ireland. What we didn’t know was just how much (and how quickly) our motto #StickWithThePlan would become relevant to her work, too.

The plan always wins

Since medalling silver at the 2018 Women’s Hockey World Cup final, she has been on a continual upward trajectory. She’s currently On the road to Tokyo – a journey of 9,720 km, to be exact.
Róisín has been preparing for the 2020 Olympic Games for the past four years. Now, with only a few months to the finish line, the goalposts have been moved; due to Covid-19, the Games have been postponed to 2021.
It would be easy to feel defeated; it would be understandable to feel disappointed and that all her hard work leading up to this summer had felt like one big anticlimax. But that’s not Róisín. She’s sticking with the plan. Moved goalposts? No problem. Bring on the 2021 Olympics.

A moveable feast


Who knew that financial planning and hockey would have so much in common? When the markets fluctuate and your goalposts are moving all over the field as though they’re haunted, what do we tell you? #StickWithThePlan. Think long term. The goalpost hasn’t been destroyed, only moved.

Róisín’s goal hasn’t changed – she was training for the next Olympics, and it’s merely a matter of circumstance and technicality whether that happens this year or next. It’s still the next Olympics, and she’ll still train with dedication and vigour no matter what. And, ultimately, she’ll get there. And so will you.

We’re thrilled to have Róisín representing us as Brand Ambassador this year. It’s a wonderful thing to see your faith in someone reaffirmed, and we know that she will embody everything we stand for through and through. Perhaps we’ll get a few hockey tips out of it too?


Metis Ireland Financial Planning Ltd t/a Metis Ireland is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

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