Before we delve into the subject of Peace of Mind, in relation to your finances, we need to understand the concept of Financial Planning. And more importantly the concept of Real Financial Planning.


Financial Planning

Financial planning is a process to organise your finances by setting goals unique to you and building a plan to achieve these goals.

Financial Planning is about being proactive and planning ahead.

As Benjamin Franklin said, ‘by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail’.

When we think of finances or anything to do with money, normally it is transactional and reactive. For example I have tax to claim so I will go to my tax adviser. I want to get a mortgage so I will go to the bank. I have inherited some money I better do something with it.

These are real items that need to be addressed and meetings are usually conducted with that one agenda item without truly looking at the entire picture.

Financial Planning is different to this, it is about being proactive and putting a plan down on paper.


Real Financial Planning

Real Financial Planning focus’ is to prepare a life plan to achieve your best life with the money available to you. Money is a tool used to achieve what we want to do in life and how we want to spend our time.

People tend to not want to think about money or even discuss money – especially us Irish. The ultimate goal is to not worry about money at all and to live our best lives.

Real Financial Planning is organising your money in such a way that it leads to peace of mind.

The path to peace of mind happens from asking the right questions.

We understand that Real Financial Planning is appreciating what is important to you in your life. We have the skills and experience to help you organise and provide a structure so that you can accomplish these goals.

Real Financial Planning is organising your money in such a way that it leads to peace of mind.

The path to peace of mind happens from asking the right questions.

Here in Metis Ireland, we are never going to tell you how to spend your money or what goals in life you want to achieve.

Our role is to help you identify, prioritise and achieve these goals. Sometimes our job is to be realistic if those goals are achievable or the hard truths that must happen in order to achieve your desired goals. Saving today means spending less now but having more to spend in the future. It is about finding the right balance of enjoying today and preparing for tomorrow.


Trigger Questions

Here in Metis Ireland, we ask the right questions that spark meaningful conversations. This helps you prioritise and achieve your goals therefore peace of mind.

Some sample trigger questions include:

  • How much will I need when I retire?
  • Are our kids going to be ok?
  • What happens if we get sick?
  • Can we afford to buy that house in France?
  • I have a lump sum of money what should I do with it?


We help you figure out what is important to you in your life and how to get there. Our question and life centred approach enables us to understand your situation and provide clarity to you for your own personal circumstances.

Life changes and plans change. It is a process, and we want to be on that journey with you.

We appreciate that there is a balance from preparing for tomorrow while enjoying today. There is a trade-off and this needs to be appropriate to each families unique circumstances and understanding what works for one family may not necessarily work for another one.

We want you to sleep better at night knowing you are meeting your current lifestyle goals, planning for future ones and have a backup plan for those unexpected events.

When it gets down to it, in Metis Ireland, our goal is to answer that question together ‘Are we going to be ok?’. If you would like to learn more, get in touch.


Paula Leitch

Private Client Manager

01 908 1500



Metis Ireland Financial Planning Ltd t/a Metis Ireland is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

All content provided in these blog posts is intended for information purposes only and should not be interpreted as financial advice. You should always engage the services of a fully qualified financial adviser before entering any financial contract. Metis Ireland Financial Planning Ltd t/a Metis Ireland will not be held responsible for any actions taken as a result of reading these blog posts.