2021 Virtual Coffee Series
Metis Ireland Virtual Coffee with Róisín Upton You are invited to our next virtual coffee where Carl Widger … Continued
We are hiring for a Financial Planner. Life is short, work somewhere awesome!
Yes, we are the somewhere awesome!
Don’t miss your chance to join our team and become a Private Client Manager for Metis Ireland
Kicking off our 2021 Virtual Coffee Series
Metis Ireland Virtual Coffee with Dean Rock You are invited to our first virtual coffee of 2021. … Continued
We are hiring for a Private Client Manager. Life is short, work somewhere awesome!
Yes, we are the somewhere awesome!
Don’t miss your chance to join our team and become a Private Client Manager for Metis Ireland
Welcome Dean Rock
Metis Ireland is delighted to be starting the new year with yet another significant hire, with Dublin football legend Dean … Continued
Fit To Peform with Joe O’Connor
On Friday 24th July we held a special Virtual Coffee: ‘Fit to Perform with Joe O’Connor’ We started … Continued
Join us for a Virtual Coffee
I hope you are keeping safe and well right now. It’s been a mad few weeks and as a business … Continued